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Unexpected Dialogue: Paul Tillich and the Pentecostal Movement

A Liberating Spirit and the Constructive Theology
Art-Nr.: 9783961383733
Autor/in: Detlef Schwartz
Seiten, Bindung: 124 S., Broschur
Jahr: 2023
Preis: EUR 22.00
Versand: EUR 0.00
Lagerbestand: an Lager


Rev. Detlef Schwartz, Ph.D., Ph.D., pastor emeritus with a German background and university lecturer, analyses those theological works of the German theologian Paul Tillich, which deal with the relation between culture and religion. Because there is an immense interest among Pentecostal theologians to connect and to compare their theology with the idea of the ‘Spirit’ in Tillich’s books, Schwartz brings together in a vivid dialogue both theological groups.




Pfingstbewegung, kulturbasierte Theologie, Befreiungstheologie, konstruktive Theologie, politische Theologie, Postkolonialismus

Versandkosten: Inland: EUR 0.00
Ausland: EUR 0.00
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